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The trains in these lands went from the East to the West and from the West to the East...
Ch. Aytmatov

The Turkestan-Siberian railway (the Turksib) had bad luck...

For the entire history of its existence, it was overshadowed by its distinguished relative - the Trans-Siberian railway, the Transsib. The Turksib was built 15 years later than the Transsib. It is six times shorter (if we assume that the Transsib indeed spans from Moscow to Vladivostok). There are much fewer passenger trains on the Turksib, and the tourists are rare guests in the steppes of Central Asia... The purpose of this project is to restore the historical justice and to tell you a story about the Mysterious Turksib.

This site is currently undergoing translation into English. If you come across a Russian page, please kindly use the Babelfish translation engine. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Where was the headquarters of the construction?

Site Contents

[Turksib Geography]
\ [Turksib Route Variations]
\ [Turksib Stations and Sidings]
\ [Turksib Maps]
 \ [Turksib Track Profile]
[Turksib Trains]
+ ["Talgo" Trains on the Turksib]
+ [Commuter trains on the Turksib]
+ [Passenger Train Timetables]
\ [Turksib Electrification]
[Turksib in Arts]
+ [Picture Gallery - History]
+ [Picture Gallery - Almaty]
\ [Picture Gallery - Other Localities]
\ [Picture Gallery - Nature]
[Turksib History]
[The Future of the Turksib]
Turksib News: Site News:
19.IX.2003: New high-speed "Tulpar" train departed to Almaty from the newly rebuilt Astana main station. The train covers the distance between the new and the old capitals in just 13 hours and 44 minutes (it goes twice as fast as traditional trains).
13.VI.2003: 22 new Talgo coaches for Kazakhstan were unloaded at Hamina, Finland on 2003.06.13. The new coaches will be used on daily Almaty-Shymkent and Almaty-Astana trains. Photographs...
30.IX.2002: The first high-speed train left from the station of Astana for the southern capital - Almaty. The train will be scheduled once a week during the weekends, covering the distance between the two capitals in just 14 hours, compared to 20 hours now. The train consists of the railroad cars built by the Spanish company "Patentes Talgo". The price of a one-way ticket in the second class is 4867 tenge (63 USD), in a sleeper cars - 9533 tenge (124 USD).
VIII.2002: The construction of the railroad line Navoi-Uchkuduk-Nukus in Uzbekistan with the total length of 796,2 kilometers is completed. The new route, which goes around four international borders, will make it possible to accelerate the movement of trains by almost seven hours. The price tag of the construction is 38,1 billion sums (UZS).
08.V.2002: Starting the train service on route Almaty-Tehran is postponed indefinitely. This is due to the fact that the management of the state enterprise "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari", until now, did not settle the questions, related to the passage of train through the territory of Uzbekistan with the government of that country. Furthermore, the Uzbek side did not present the schedule of the train on its territory to the participating countries. The new date of the starting of the service will be announced later.
24.IV.2002: The train Almaty-Tehran will be restarted on May 2, 2002.
15.IV.2002: International passenger train No19/20 Almaty-Tehran is temporarily suspended until April 25. Not a month passed...
14.III.2002: International passenger train No19/20 Almaty-Tashkent-Turkmenabad (Chardzhou)-Serakhs-Mashhad-Tehran began it's first technical run.
26.IV.2006: List of stations and sidings updated
11.III.2005: Three poems about Turksib added
09.III.2005: Brief biography of Vladimir "Bill" Shatov - the Turksib construction head
18.II.2005: Shar - Ust-Kamenogorsk line construction status
02.I.2005: The map of the new and the old Kapchagay alignment (387 kB)

This is a project of "Steam Engine IS" and D. Zinoviev.
The author is grateful to Vasili Zimin, Adilzhan Saugabaev, Sergey Sigachev, Mikhail Utkin, and Alexey Yushenkov for their help in the development of the site.
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